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Carnal Desire Page 10
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Page 10
After sweeping the area, Cowboy and Disney walk back to where Angel and I stand waiting.
"All clear Prez." Disney nods, moving to stand on my left.
"Good." I knew it would be, but with our way of life, you can never be too careful.
The roar of motorcycle engines alerts us to their presence, we stand and wait to meet them in formation. Angel to my right, Cowboy to his right and Disney on my left.
We need to have this meeting, it's been too long coming, but it's taken until now for it to become possible. This shit has gone far enough, it needs to be dealt with. My club brothers, their women and children's lives are at stake right now, that's not making me happy, it's making me extremely pissed off. I've had enough of this shit, so has everyone else involved with the club. My dad didn't pass everything down to me for nothing, there was a fucking reason. I intend to do him proud. I will end this; I am not losing anything more to that shit Satan!
Four men dressed in black stop their bikes right outside the open doors, opposite our bikes, climbing off them slowly and scanning the area. We decided a meeting on neutral ground would be the best idea, we chose this empty warehouse just outside of town. There's no noise, no people, no interruptions. It's perfect.
The deal was that he brought along three of his men and so would I. As I watch Scalp, the president of Carnal MC, get off his bike he's immediately flanked by his men. I glance to my right, making sure Angel is keeping it together. As Satan is a part of their club, Angel naturally hates the whole of Carnal MC. He looks tense and ready to strike at any second. His arms are folded, a scowl in place, he watches the MC make their way over to us. It's only natural that he's pissed off right now, his woman's in danger and so is the little girl he's claimed as his own daughter. Exactly why we need to bring Satan to an end.
I recognize the men Scalp has brought along with him. It's part of my job to know the other MC clubs nearby, and their members. I see Twist, an ugly fucker with long black hair, Scruff who lives up to his name and Sac; I'm not even going to go into the stories I've heard about that one.
Standing face to face, Angel finally speaks. "Where's your VP, Scalp?"
He's taunting Carnal MC's president. I throw him a warning glance that he ignores. We need this meeting to go smoothly and successfully.
Scalp looks to my VP and smirks. "Fuck, it's spooky how you fuckers look exactly alike."
I notice Angels jaw clench, he hates to be reminded who he shares his DNA with, although I doubt he ever could ever forget.
I sigh loudly. "Stop fucking bitching like women, let's get straight down to business."
Scalps dark eyes return to me, he straightens himself up. "Satan is no longer VP of Carnal MC, that honor is now Twists." He inclines his head to his right where Twist stands proudly. Scalp looks back to Angel. Your brother's gone rogue, he's no longer any part of my club. I am tired of the shit he brings to my door, I want nothing to do with him."
I'm surprised and I can see my brothers are as well. We did suspect this might happen, but hearing it has is still a big deal.
"Do you have any idea where he is?" I ask.
"No, but I do know he's back in Australia." Scalp responds.
Before we end the meeting we sort through business that affects both of our clubs. It turns out that Scalp never wanted Satan to be his VP; he'd blackmailed his way up the club and had his eyes set on being the next president. Knowing Satan he wouldn't have waited for the role to come to him naturally, he'd have engineered it sooner rather than later. Everyone was scared of Satan inside the club, even the toughest of men. It's no surprise, if you got on his wrong side he either killed you or you wished he had. Not surprisingly Scalp is glad to finally have him out of his club. Satan brought the club a lot of enemies, Scalp has his work cut out to make everything right again. With his promise that he's no longer an enemy of Severed, we begin to part ways. As the men straddle their bikes, Scalp asks to speak alone with me. Assuring my men that it's fine, I follow Scalp a safe distance where we won't be overheard.
Scalp begins to tell me something I already feared. We have a filthy rat in our club who's been feeding Satan important information. This is a problem we need sorting and Scalp offers to help in any way possible, he's just sorry he doesn't know the rat's identity.
Returning to my precious Harley I ride home, my brothers behind me, I think about my club members and who could do this. Whoever it is, they better pray they keep their lives. We may not be a dangerous and crime filled club, but one rule I do live by is do not betray your brothers.
Once I've made sure I'm alone, I lock the door. Sliding my phone from my pocket, I look down at it in disgust. With regret rushing through my veins I dial the number I've been given, he answers quickly.
"What do you have for me?"
I take a deep breath. "There was a meeting between Severed and Carnal today. They know you're not part of Carnal anymore, now both clubs are looking for you."
I hear a smash through the phone. "Anything else?!" He screams down the phone.
"Yeah, they know there's a snitch and are looking into it."
He laughs. "Good luck with that."
The line goes dead. I close my eyes, pure hatred for myself rushing through me. Fuck, I need a drink. How the fuck did I ever get pulled into this. I don't want to betray the club, I'd die first, but that fucker Satan has left me with no other choice.
Most of the club don't even know I have a baby sister, I rarely mention her round here, and I sure as fuck never let her visit me here. I know what these guys would want to do to her. She deserves a better life than this. She's beautiful, she's smart and she's destined for better things than hooking up with a biker and this lifestyle.
She's away at college now. I didn't want her to go, but as I'm pretty much persona non grata with my parents due to my lifestyle, I didn't get any say in the matter. She's too far away for me to keep her safe. Of all the threats I imagined for her, this one she's facing never occurred to me, even in my wildest nightmares.
I didn't think anything of the letter postmarked from her college town, even though I didn't recognize the handwriting. I just assumed it was from her. Opening it, a handful of photos fall to the floor, my heart stopping as I recognize the subject in them. It's my baby sister. She's not doing anything wrong in them, just going about her day to day activities. It's the style of the photo that cause my heart to stop. They're surveillance photos. Some fucker is watching her. I quickly scan through them, then come to a piece of paper with just a few lines of type:
I'd hate to see the pretty girl get hurt.
Call me...
There's a mobile number. I'm about to shout for the guys to help me sort this, but some sixth sense stops me. I need to call this fucker and find out what they want first. My first instinct is it's blackmail, they'll be lucky, it's not like I have enough money to pay a ransom demand. I never expected it to be Satan on the other end.
What Satan asks destroys me. He's given me an impossible choice. Either I betray the club, or he'll turn his sick and twisted attention to my baby sister. I'm fucked either way. Even if I agree to this betrayal, I can't guarantee her safety, but if I don't agree, I've signed her death warrant. As hard as the decision is to make, there's really no decision there.
I've tried to give away as little information as possible, Eve's flight time, her address in England, and letting him know she was back. And today's call.
I'd take the cowards way out and kill myself, but even that won't keep my girl safe. I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
Chapter Fourteen
The following afternoon I'm sitting on a bench, out back of the clubhouse, soaking up the Australian sun with Teresa at my side. We've been watching Elizabeth running around playing with Rabbit and Cherry while we wait for Prez, Gabe, Cowboy and Disney to finish a meeting. It's so funny to watch, two big tattooed bik
ers running after a squealing little girl, huge smiles plastered on their faces. It looks like they're enjoying it as much as Elizabeth is. It's nice though, it shows that these men are not all scary and tough.
Teresa and I decided to come out here to enjoy the sun as soon as the men left. All they told us was ‘it's club business’. I could see from the hard look on Gabe’s face that this was important. More than likely it’s something to do with Satan. I just want this to be over. I'm fed up of it all, we need to move on, and that means in every aspect, including what happened to me in York, and my injuries. Since we’ve been back in Severed, it hasn't been like it was when I was last here. Don't get me wrong, being with Gabe is amazing. I know that I love him and he loves me, but we haven't had sex! We've been back almost a week and he hasn't made love to me or even fucked me! I need him to love me, but he won’t. I know why, and it makes me hate Satan even more. Gabe is scared to touch me, he’s afraid he’ll hurt me. My bruises and cuts scare him away, so we haven't had the hot and hard sex that we would usually have. I understand that while we’re sharing a room with Elizabeth it's awkward, but there are other rooms in this place! We could sneak off one night for a little bit. Elizabeth had her own room back in England, so she's used to sleeping on her own all night. Gabe hasn't suggested it though, and he’s ignored my not so subtle hints and encouragement. I’m left feeling really horny. I'm not usually a sexual person but Gabe has increased my appetite. I clench my legs in frustration. I need some loving.
I hear Teresa giggling quietly. I look over to her and see she’s glancing down at my legs. "What's up hon?"
I give her a look; she knows damn well what's wrong. "You know what's wrong."
She tries not to laugh. "Why isn't Angel stepping up to the plate?"
I roll my eyes. "Have you not seen what I look like?"
She waves her hand in the air. "Oh for fucks sake, bloody men. You need to tell him straight, let him know what you need."
Before I can add anything more, I hear loud talking and laughing coming from the men inside the clubhouse. I recognize one voice in particular; hearing Prez’s loud laugh lets me know the men are back. Butterflies flutter in my stomach, that means Gabe is back.
I hear the creaking of the door, letting me know that someone is coming outside. I see Elizabeth look up from Rabbits arms where he’s caught her. Her eyes light up when she sees who it is, a huge smile spreading across her face. "Angel!" she shrieks.
Rabbit lets her go, keeping an eye on her as she runs over to Angel; we all watch as he pulls her up into his arms, lifting her high. He kisses her on her chubby cheeks. "How's my little princess doing?"
"Wabbit and Chewwy are chasing me." She laughs.
"Did they catch you?"
"Sometimes." She answers.
Prez steps out and Elizabeth spots him over Gabe's shoulder. She reaches out for him so Gabe passes her over to Prez, who bounces her in his large arms, making her giggle. "Uncle Bill." She laughs, spreading kisses all over his face.
He told her not to call him Prez like everyone else; he said she should call him Uncle Bill, because she's special. Now she calls him it with pride. It makes me so happy to see how much she's enjoying her new life here in Severed, and how quickly she’s adapted to it.
Now Elizabeth is happily settled with her uncle Bill, Gabe strides over to where I'm sitting, wrapping his arms around me. I lean back into him, sighing happily. I'm relieved he's back and seems to be in one piece. I was secretly scared over what the club business might entail. Gabe kisses me on my forehead, his kisses softly drifting down to my lips, causing goose bumps to break out. His tongue glides along my lips, seeking an invitation, I quickly comply. We both groan as our tongues meet. I grip his leather vest, pulling him closer.
A cough interrupts us and we break apart. I feel like a naughty school girl getting caught behind the bike sheds. Diane stands over us, a knowing grin plastered on her face. "Now I love a good show as much as anyone, but I'm guessing you don't want your little princess watching her parents getting busy on a bench."
I immediately look around for my daughter. Oh god, what was I thinking? I turn and see she's not where she was the last time I saw her. She was there with Prez just seconds ago! Where has she gone? Before I can freak out, I hear her laugh. She’s playing with Rabbit and Cherry again, this time Prez and Teresa have joined in. They’re keeping her occupied so she can’t see me and Gabe. Watching her play makes me smile.
"Go on you two. Go and disappear."
I look at Diane. I want to but I can't. I begin to shake my head to say no, but Diane places her hands on hips. "Now listen up you two, you’ve got a family here to help you, and you two need some help right now. We’ll watch her while you two see to that itch you need to scratch, don’t bother denying it. From the look of that kiss you’re seconds away from tearing each other’s clothes off and having sex right here! Now get gone and see to your woman, Angel."
I laugh and look across at Gabe, he looks a little unsure. "Angel?"
He looks from Diane and then back to me, seeing my worried look his gaze softens. "I dunno Eve, the doctors-"
"I'm fine." I cut him off. I stand, grabbing hold of his hand to try and pull him up, I can’t shift him. He stands anyway, giving me a look of pity at my weakness. He flashes me that panty melting smile of his. "I need you." I whisper in his ear.
His expression goes from smiling to predator in a second. He grips my hand tighter, and turns to Diane. "Keep an eye on our girl for us."
He begins to guide me inside. I can hear Diane laughing as we go. "Don't you worry; take as long as you need."
I follow Gabe into the clubhouse. I know my girl will be perfectly safe with the club members and Diane watching her. They're our family now.
I’m naked and Gabe is lying above me, kissing me. He’s supporting his weight with his elbows beside my head, trying not to hurt me. I couldn't be happier at this moment. I really need him right now, I need our bond. I need to be connected to Gabe again. He continues to kiss me but it's not enough for me anymore. "Gabe." I plead.
"I don't wanna hurt you, sweetheart."
"You won't. I'm fine." I arch my pelvis towards him, my wetness brushing against his hardness. "Please."
Gabe stares down at me, looking me in the eye as he slowly slides home. My eyes roll back. I groan as he slams into me. It’s not as hard as I would like, but yeah, that feels better. When he's fully in, he thrusts again, making sure he's balls deep. It makes me gasp and Gabe growls. "Fuck, I've missed you."
He kisses me as he begins to move again. I want him to move faster and thrust harder, but I know he's trying to be as careful as he can be. Truthfully, I know he needs to be, I’m still sore in places and a little tender from the miscarriage.
No matter how gentle he is, it's still enough to make me moan and cry out loudly, he’s finally giving me exactly what I need. I scratch his back, down to his hard ass, digging my nails in as I get closer and closer to my peak. Ever so gently he reaches down, lifting my waist; just that small movement makes all the difference. His cock hits my sweet spot and I scream out my release. Gabe follows me, growling like a wild animal, but always a gentleman.
After a long flight from London, we’ve finally arrived at the Severed MC clubhouse Ink has been banging on about ever since I met him. I'm a little surprised; it's a lot nicer than I thought it would be, considering it's a motorcycle club and all. The building itself is large and light colored. A security fence surrounds the perimeter, high and intimidating to look at. A few obviously armed men stand around the courtyard area, guarding the fence I think. It worries me a little that the club needs this much security.
Noticing my wariness, Ink wraps his large tattooed arm around me, pulling me close. I feel safe in his arms. "Don't worry babe, it looks scarier than it really is."
We walk together, Ink’s arm still wrapped around my shoulders. There are two men standing
guard inside the main gate; as soon as they spot us they let us in. They both sport large friendly smiles when they see Ink.
"You're a sight for sore eyes! Fucking hell man, heard you’ve been sightseeing?" One of the large men says, slapping his hand on Ink’s back.
Ink laughs back. "Yeah man, this pretty lady persuaded me."
Both men look towards me now, taking me in from head to toe. I feel my cheeks blush under their thorough inspection.
The second man steps forward, holding out his hand to me. "Hi gorgeous, I'm Kid."
I smile as I shake his hand. He's a very handsome man, big and very masculine. He’s got a shadow of a beard along his strong jaw line, and the brightest green eyes. He's definitely all man, so I’ve no idea why his nickname is Kid. I know the reason behind Ink, Angel and Cowboy’s nicknames so I'm naturally curious.