Carnal Desire Page 12
I huff, leaning down closer to Elizabeth. "Wanna go play outside?"
She slams her crayons down, shouting, "Yeah!"
Rabbit stops what he's doing. "You won't wanna take her outside, Eve."
"Why not?" Elle asks.
"Because it’s best for Elizabeth that she not see what's out there." He snickers.
This spikes my curiosity, by the look on Elle's face, hers as well.
"We can go out though, right?" I ask. They both nod, they look like they're trying to hold in their laughter and I narrow my eyes.
"Sure." Kid answers.
"Watch her for me." I tell them as I kiss Elizabeth’s head. They both nod, continuing with their coloring. "Be back in a minute baby."
As Elle and I make our way to the bar that leads out to the back, I can hear their snickering. Elle and I share a confused look, but carry on walking. When we step outside we frown at each other, there's nobody out here and I can't see anything that would keep them from letting Elizabeth outside. Shrugging our shoulders, we walk over to our favorite bench that always catches the sun.
That's when we spot him. The reason why Kid and Rabbit wouldn’t bring my sweet, innocent baby girl out here. I’m so relieved that they didn't.
A gloriously naked man is reclining in a deck chair in the late afternoon sun, only a hand protecting his modesty. He's around the corner from the doorway, so that's why we didn't see him straight away, but now we see all of him. And I mean ALL of him. His eyes are closed. His skin is tanned a golden color and covered in some large, tribal tattoos. His body is in great shape, ripped muscles and hard abs.
Elle and I stand and stare.
“Holy hell” Elle gasps, “who’s the hottie?”
"Oh my fucking god." I whisper to Elle.
"I've died and gone to biker heaven." She whispers back.
I can't help but laugh; then freeze when I realize the naked man has heard me. He slowly raises his head, flashing us a smile. "Hello there, ladies."
He sits up and because we're standing to the side of him, we can’t quite see his private area. He doesn't seem at all bothered about his nakedness as he talks to us. "Had to top up the tan."
As if that's the most normal explanation. God I'm glad the guys didn't bring out Elizabeth.
"Who are you?" I finally manage to ask.
He quickly stands, flashing us his marvelous ass and shrugs on his black jeans. When he's partially decent, he walks over to us.
"I'm Justice." He holds out his hand to Elle. I see her struggle to move her eyes from his toned chest.
"Elle." She responds.
He holds out his hand to me, and now he's fully facing me. I take a quick peek at his chest before accepting his handshake. "Eve."
He places his hands into his pockets, smiles a great big charming smile. If I wasn't so in love with my Gabe, I’d be a pool on the floor right now.
"Nice to meet you beautiful ladies."
Suddenly there's a loud bang. I don't turn to find out what it is, or shall I say who it is. I see Justice tense as he watches over my shoulder. Then the voice I adore turns into a very loud roar as he shouts across the yard.
"Step away from my old lady, Justice!"
Justice holds out his arms wide, a look of innocence on his face. "Which one of these beautiful ladies is yours?"
I give him a small, slight wave. "That would be me."
Justice lands his eyes back on me, slowly taking me in, before nodding his head. In that moment Gabe storms over, I can hear his boots hitting the ground as he does. When he reaches me, he pulls me close, glaring across at Justice. Gabe is a well built and tall man and Justice evenly matches him.
"Nice to see you again, Angel." He nods his head in respect to Gabe.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Ink steps closer to Elle. Justice sees this as well, flashing a smile at Elle to taunt Ink. As soon as he does, Ink shoves Elle behind him; in the same stance Gabe has placed himself in, in front of me. I'm surprised to see Elle just roll her eyes in response. Usually she would shout at Ink or come back with some witty remark. If I didn't know better, I’d think that she’s enjoying this side of Ink now.
Justice shakes his head in mock disappointment. "Seems all the best women around here are taken."
"Damn straight." Prez says from behind us. I notice Justice stand straighter when he hears Prez, before turning around to see Prez has his arm around Teresa who’s giggling.
"Prez." Justice nods, Prez smiles back with a head nod of his own.
Just then I see Elizabeth appear, running out of the clubhouse, a guilty looking Kid and Rabbit following closely behind her. I look around and see that almost every biker is out here watching everything unfold. It’s probably why Elizabeth has come out, thinking that she's missing something. I shake my head at the sight of them all watching. Nosey ass bikers.
Elizabeth wedges herself in between Gabe and I. Justice looks down, surprised by her appearance. He smiles down at her. "Well who's this pretty little lady?"
She swings her dress from side to side. "Lizabeth." She drawls shyly.
Justice bends down to her level. "That's a very nice name you have."
Elizabeth giggles. Gabe reaches down to pick her up. Justice stands again and looks from Gabe who’s holding Elizabeth, then to me. "Well no wonder you're such a pretty girl, you have a beautiful momma."
My, my, this man is a charmer. Gabe's scowl deepens and Justice laughs at his expression.
"Chill out, Angel. I'm messing with ya. Besides, why didn't you tell me you finally got yourself an old lady and had a baby?"
Justice ruffles Elizabeth’s curls. Ink steps forward. "Prez, who the fuck is this?"
Gabe snaps his head toward Ink "Language!"
"Shit. I'm sorry." Ink slaps his head. "Sorry!"
Some of the guys laugh and I can't help smiling. Ink flashes me a guilty look. I shake my head to let him know it's fine. He didn't mean to do it.
Prez releases Teresa and steps beside Justice. He looks out at everyone and smacks a hand down on Justice's shoulder. "This here is my nephew, Justice. He wants to join us here in Severed; he's come over from the Adelaide charter."
I'm shocked. I didn't know he had a nephew!
Prez pats him on the back before giving him that man hug they all seem to do around here. "It's good to have you home."
"It's good to be back." Justice replies then works his way around the group, introducing himself.
When he gets to Gabe they look at each other for a couple of minutes in silence until Justice breaks out into a smile and Gabe smiles back. Thank goodness!
"It's good to see you." Gabe says as they awkwardly do the back slap while Gabe holds onto Elizabeth.
Justice nods. "Yeah, I missed this place."
They go into a full blown talk down memory lane. It seems Gabe and Justice know each other well. With Gabe and Prez growing up together, and then becoming VP of Severed, he saw a lot of Justice. Justice grew up around the club and was actually a prospect here before Prez became president of the club, he moved to another charter. Part of the reason I’m shocked that Prez has a nephew as old as Justice is because Prez himself doesn't look that old; not that Justice is old. He looks to be around twenty two, Prez only looking a few years older than him. Gabe later tells me that Prez is the youngest out of all his siblings, so he's a young uncle. That's why he and Justice are so close in age.
I look around at the sight of everyone welcoming our newest member. Gabe told me the club still has to vote him in during a church meeting, but seeing how warmly he's being welcomed and as he’s the president’s nephew, I’m pretty sure that’ll just be a formality.
I laugh as the club whores rush over to the new sexy member, and the sight of the other bikers keeping their old ladies a safe distance away from him.
Justice turns toward where I’m sitting with Gabe, Ink and Elle, he raises his beer in a salute. I just know things will get interesting with Justice around.
/> ***
Noticing that Elizabeth eyes look a little heavy I decide she she’s ready for her bed. Actually, her bedtime was half an hour ago but she begged me for more time, running over and sitting on Cowboy’s knee in the main TV area. I don’t know how she did it but she somehow persuaded a room full of bikers to watch cartoons, and she cuddled up with Cowboy for all of her extra half an hour.
Now though, she’s looking really tired. When I approach her, instead of arguing this time, she lifts her arms for me to pick her up. I carry her to our room, and as I lay her down Gabe enters, a happy smile on his face. It's good to see him smiling. He's been so tense lately. I know it's to do with whatever he’s got planned for Satan. I've been secretly worried about him, so it’s good to see him looking carefree and happy. There’s just something about his smile that makes me fall a little deeper for him every time I see it.
"Hi, sweetheart.” He greets me with a kiss.” Is it Princess's bedtime?" He looks down at Elizabeth in her cot bed, but as soon as she heard him walk in the room she hid under her bed cover. We can hear her laughing. Gabe acts as though he doesn't know where she is. "Oh no, where’s she gone?" Another giggle comes from Elizabeth. Gabe looks around the room. "Is she behind the door?" Elizabeth giggles some more. The whole exchange is making me smile. Gabe is so good to her.
Gabe flashes me a smile as he rips the quilt from on top of her, revealing a laughing Elizabeth, who’s kicking her legs in the air.
"Were you hiding?"
Elizabeth giggles as she bobs her head up and down. "Yes daddy."
My heart stops beating as Gabe turns to look at me. His eyes are wide. I shrug my shoulders but he still stares at me. I'm worried he's going to start freaking out on me.
I walk over to Elizabeth who lets out a massive, but very cute yawn. "Elizabeth, why did you call Angel your daddy?"
“‘Cause he's my daddy." She says simply.
I turn to Gabe, now instead of the frozen scared look on his face; he has his smile back in place.
"You ok with that?" I ask him.
He dips, kissing Elizabeth on her forehead, and then turns to me. He wraps his tattooed arms around me, and delivers a heart melting kiss. "Fucking ecstatic, sweetheart." He mumbles into my ear.
God this man makes me so happy.
I walk to the toy tidy that Gabe built for Elizabeth’s numerous toys and grab some books for her to choose from. Gabe takes them out of my hands. "I’ve got this."
"Ok." I grin, a huge and stupidly goofy grin, watching as he walks back to Elizabeth’s bed.
He turns to me. "I can do this, sweetheart; you go and relax while I put our little princess to sleep."
"Little pwincess." Elizabeth repeats, laughing and I leave them to it.
I don't leave completely though. I stand just out the door to listen in.
"Right, gorgeous. Which book are we reading tonight?"
"Pwincess one." She demands and I smile.
I overhear Gabe laugh. "Erm, no Elizabeth. I don't think princess stories are my thing."
"Daddy don't like pwincesse’s?"
"No baby, daddy doesn’t like princess stories, but I love you and mummy, you’re my princesses."
Tears form in my eyes.
"How about the Gruffallo?" Gabe asks. Elizabeth must have nodded her head because Gabe starts to read.
It's so fucking adorable! Gabe makes all the right noises and uses different voices and Elizabeth gasps and giggles in all the right places. Happy tears fall as I listen in.
When he's finished with the story I hear him kiss her again and he whispers, "night, night princess."
"Night, night, daddy." She answers. I know from experience she will roll onto her side now and snuggle herself to sleep with her bear.
I’m not quick enough to scamper away before Gabe leaves the room, so when we walks out and quietly shuts the door, he catches me.
"Enjoy the story?" He teases me, pulling me into a tight embrace.
All I can manage is a sniffle and a smile.
"What's wrong?" He looks at me with concern.
"Absolutely nothing."
"She called me Daddy." He beams proudly, and I laugh.
"Yeah, she did."
"I love you." He looks at me, suddenly serious.
"I love you too." His lips are quick to kiss mine, and I moan against him. Before I can fully appreciate it though, he’s moved away... "This is what I want. You and that beautiful girl in there."
"I want it too." I whisper back.
"No, listen to me. I really want it. I’ll make it safe. Nobody will ever hurt you again. You’ll be mine forever, wearing my ring and giving birth to my babies."
My heart fills with love for this man. What did I ever do to deserve this kind of love in my life?
"Once this is all done and dusted, we're getting a house. The whole family shit. Big garden, a white fence, swings, slides and toys covering the grass. I love you."
I don't let him say anymore. I reach up and grab his face. I need his lips on mine. It starts to get a little heated and I gasp when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to see Disney standing there, a huge smile on his face.
"My rooms free." Is all he says, before tossing a set of keys to Gabe and walking off.
Gabe doesn't say anything as he pulls me along, stopping outside a door I'm assuming is Disney’s room and unlocking it. As soon as we get in, Gabe locks it then pushes me up against the wall, stripping me of my clothing.
Let’s just say, Gabe isn’t gentle with me at all.
I have my biker back.
Chapter Sixteen
I walk out of the room I've been sharing with Ink since we got here. Dressed in shorts and a plain vest, I'm ready to meet Eve.
I'm in a particularly good mood today, odd since I've not enjoyed being kept inside this place all day, every day. How can I not be in a good mood though when Ink keeps me so well entertained?
These past few weeks have been crazy! Literally every day since the hotel in York, we have had sex. It's as though when we're together we just can't seem to get enough of each other. Well, that's how it feels for me anyway.
After giving me a good morning wake up session, Ink had to leave for work at his tattoo shop. I was pleased to get a text message from Eve first thing. She wants me to meet her out back for a catch up. I'm guessing it's going to be more of a bitch fest, but whatever. I need something to keep me busy until Ink returns. I'm already thinking of surprising him with some more sexy lingerie when he gets back.
I open the door, breathing in the fresh morning air and spot Eve on a bench. She's watching Elizabeth ride along on the bike Angel bought her yesterday. The poor girl is getting bored being stuck in this place. The only area us girls are now allowed outside in is this tiny area of garden and play park. Prez thinks this is the only space where the guys can keep us safe.
I almost laugh watching her scowl at the members casually standing around, acting like they want to be outside. More likely they are here standing guard. Poor Eve can't go to the bathroom without having someone on her tail if Angel's not here.
My heads pretty fucked up right now. I have no fucking clue why!
I should be happy. I should be buried deep in Elle's pussy right now, but I feel like I need a little distance. Something's happening between us, I can feel it. I don't know what it is, but it's freaking me the fuck out!
I'm glad to be working in my shop in Severed today. Not only is this whole thing with me and Elle confusing me, but I needed to get out of the clubhouse. I love that place, it's my home but I don't want to be there every minute of every day.
I set up my work space in the room in the back, ready for my next appointment.
Twenty minutes later a blonde bombshell strides in wearing a small red dress, my dick stands to attention.
Shit. I don't know what to do. Do I be me? Flirt like shit wit
h her to get what I always want, or do nothing at all? I should act like a man because I have Elle waiting for me back at the clubhouse. I picture Elle's gorgeous face, her plump pink lips and bright green eyes, her large breasts and golden hair.
"Hi, I have an appointment." She walks right up to the girl sat at reception. She's a club member’s daughter. Everyone who works here is connected in some way to Severed MC. It's the way I like it.