Carnal Desire Read online

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  "I don't believe it! I live in York. Can we meet up and I'll show you the sights." I beg. It would be great to show my new friend around, and selfishly I hope it will make my return a little less lonely. Whilst I'm happy to be seeing Elizabeth again, there's only so much two year old chatter you can stand before needing adult company. For some reason I felt an instant connection with Elle.

  "That would be great." Elle beams at me. Her beautiful smile lights up her whole face. "We'll sort the dates out before we land, but for now tell me more about this Ink character, he sounds yummy."

  I have to laugh at her choice of words, I'm not sure yummy is a word I'd use to describe Ink. It's the sort of word you use to talk about a fit mother in the nursery playground, not a hunk of tattooed hotness in an MC club.

  I tell her about his very short, dark hair, his muscled, tattooed arms, the hint of tattoos on his back and chest I'd caught glimpses of, but mostly about his character. Ink was my friend from the beginning, he was there for me when others turned their backs. Just thinking about Ink brings a smile to my face. Even though we went through an awkward stage when I found out his true feelings for me, I was glad we cleared it up before I left.

  "Holy hell," Elle swoons, "you've got to set me up with an introduction when I fly home." It will be good to have an opportunity to chat to Ink again, so I assure Elle I'll do my best for her. Besides, Elle's a freaking goddess, I'm sure Ink will be grateful for the introduction.

  The rest of the flight passes with mindless chatter. We find we have a lot of things in common, from favourite authors to music. By the end of the flight it feels like we've known each other forever. It's the kind of closeness I used to have with Teresa and I miss that in my life.


  For fucks sake! The old biddy at the side of me is wearing me out. After looking scared of me when I first sat down, she soon seemed to overcome it and starts blathering on about her grand kids, her kids and her fucking dog. I desperately want to shut her up, perhaps I'll sort her out when we land. Until then I reach for the earphones and try to shut her out. It doesn't work but at least now it's reduced to a dull drone. Fucking annoying bitch.

  The in flight entertainment is lousy, Catching Fire, Paul Newman or the Hobbit! What the fuck. As if I want to watch this crap, although I 'm surprised how addictive the game Tetris is. Anything's better than listening to the old cow rattle on beside me.

  The air hostess keeps giving me looks, the kind that tell me she wouldn't mind joining the mile high club if an opportunity presents itself. She'll do for a quick fuck, but she doesn't excite my dick as much as the thought of having Eve does. That bitch has been on my mind for a while now, I need to fuck her out of my system and then finally finish her.

  Eve's sitting several rows ahead of me, she's finally stopped crying and seems to be chattering away with the blonde at the side of her. Now that I wouldn't mind tapping. The thought of a threesome with Eve and her new friend has me hard. Maybe I will give that air hostess a run for her money, just to relieve the tension, it will be okay as long as I don't have to look at her face.

  Removing my headphones, the old biddy suddenly goes back up to full volume. Fuck me, she's never stopped prattling away at all. I give her a stern look but she's oblivious, trying to pass me photos. Enough is enough! "Look love, for the good of your health shut the fuck up and put the photos away! I couldn't give a rats shit about you or your family." I snarl. She pales, quickly pushing her photos back in her purse and pretending to show interest in the in-flight magazine. Thank fuck for that.

  I need to clear my head and come up with a plan for when we land. This whole thing was last minute and I haven't been able to give it the attention and thought I'd have liked. Yes, payback has to have a plan. A fucking good one. I'm just glad my lawyer didn't fuck about any longer getting me out of jail.

  I'm not stupid, if I'd been sent down I'd have been dead within days. Trust my pussy brother to come up with a dumb ass frame up instead of having the balls to deal with me himself. That's something else we don't have in common. I don't fuck around. I'll deal with this Eve bitch, then I'm going home to put an end to my brother once and for all. It used to be fun having a go at him, but it's gotten old and stale. I'm looking forward to taking him out, and I've got just the twisted, sick way of doing it, once I've shown him what's left of his most recent fuck.

  He's fallen for the bitch, I could see it in his eyes that day at the compound. She's okay for a quick fuck, but other than that I don't get what he sees in her. This makes it a whole lot sweeter. It helps I've now got a mole inside the club, feeding me information, like her address. One of my brothers set it up whilst I was in holding. Even if I lose her when we land, I know where she's heading. It means I can have some fun with her before I take her out.

  I lick my lips and look at the busty hostess who hasn't taken her desperate eyes from me. I stand, indicating with a head nod that I want her now. Thankfully there are toilets on my end of the plane so I won't have to walk past Eve.

  I've only been in the small toilet cubicle for a couple of minutes before there's a knock. I cover my dick with a rubber, and open the door, pulling her in. Ignoring her gasp of surprise I shove her face forward against the wall. I don't want to think about who she really is. I pull up her ugly, knee length skirt, then rip off her underwear. She whimpers, "I don't know about this." She begins to beg.

  "Too late now bitch. Just take my dick and shut the fuck up." I clamp my hand over her mouth, so everyone on the flight doesn't hear her, then slam into her She's not very tight, probably not her first go on a plane. Little tart. I fuck her harder, as images of Eve fill my mind. Fuck, I want to take my punishment out on her, but I'll have to make do with this girl right now. I fuck her harder and I feel wetness on my hand. She's crying, I'm not ashamed that this turns me on. It only takes a couple more thrusts and I come, fuck, that feels better. I chuck away the condom and straighten myself up. "Thanks for that." I caress her plump ass and she shivers. "For your safety, don't be telling anyone what just happened." She cries a little more and I leave her, half naked and crying.

  I sit back down in my seat, happy that the old cow still doesn't say a word. That interlude was okay, but nothing compared to what I have planned for Eve. Now that I am looking forward to.

  Chapter Two


  The worst thing about going away is most definitely coming home again! After a long ass flight I'm now standing at the side of the luggage carousel watching what feels like half of England's luggage clunk it's way around, and still there's no sight of my bags. Elle managed to spot hers and grab them over quarter of an hour ago. She wanted to stay and wait for me though, bless her.

  It's early morning, and yet the airport is buzzing with activity. The only buzz I've got going on is the headache behind my eyes. I'm so tired, but I couldn't sleep on the plane. The last month has been on constant replay in my head, stopping me from sleeping no matter how tired I am. While Elle luckily managed to catch some sleep, I kept second guessing the decisions I'd made. If I hadn't ignored Teresa's instructions I'd never have been in that store, never witnessed a gruesome murder and that means Elvis would still be alive. The guilt has been eating away at me. Then the other voice reminds me that I'd never have met Gabe. I'd never have got to experience the best sex of my life. Who am I kidding, I may have had great sex but that will always be a memory, I doubt I'll experience anything like that again, and great sex is nothing, not when the flip side is that Elvis is gone.

  I'm saved from my depressing thoughts by the sight of my bag finally making its way towards me. Elle looks up from texting on her phone as she sees me move to the luggage carousel. She gives me her warm smile, before returning to her texting.

  As I pull my bag towards me, I freeze and close my eyes. Quickly opening them again I relax. The lack of sleep must be catching up with me, I'm starting to hallucinate. I could have sworn I just saw Gabe over in the opposite side of the terminal watching me. I really need
some sleep!

  Bags in hand we head towards the tube station. Elle is going to be staying in a hotel near Kings Cross Station, and I need to head there to catch my train back to York. If we're lucky we'll make the 7:14 tube which will take us straight from the terminal to the train station.

  Elle is excited about her first journey on the tube. I'm more resigned, it's almost an hour long journey, the tube's intended more for commuters than travelers. Hopefully we'll find a seat near a luggage rack but I won't hold my breath. I used to share her enthusiasm for the tube. I love people watching and on the London Underground you see all sorts of weird and wonderful people. This morning I'm too tired and too sad to enjoy the experience though.

  Elle can obviously sense my mood, throwing her arm around my shoulder she pulls me in close. "I know you're sad sweetie, but just think, a few hours from now you'll be holding your baby girl in your arms." I picture Elizabeth and can feel my whole face lighting up. Elle's right, I can't wait to get home to my girl. God I've missed her so much!

  As we settle into our seats on the tube, luckily managing to get next to a luggage rack, I pull up the train app on my phone. There's a train back to York at 9:30 that I'll be able to use my ticket on, meaning I'll have time to grab a coffee with Elle at the station before I leave. I could buy a new ticket for the earlier train but it's not worth the extra expense for the sake of an hour. Besides, as eager as I am to finally get home, I want just a little longer with my new found friend.

  Kings Cross Station is already heaving at this time of morning. Once again I freeze before gathering myself together. Elle looks back at me, confused, I manage to give her a false smile. I'm finding myself hallucinating again, I'm sure I just spotted Gabe across the station concourse. Another traveler passes by me, blocking my line of sight, and when they're gone so is the vision. I rub my tired eyes, and try and put on a happy face for Elle who's now looking around the station in interest.

  "What a beautiful station." She exclaims. They've done a lot of work here over the last few years, melding the old historic station with new modern features.

  "If you think this is beautiful wait till you see St. Pancras." I tell her. They've taken the old stone buildings, added a load of glass and it looks amazing. I tell her about the champagne bar on the second level of St. Pancras, her eyes lighting up. Elle looks like the kind of woman who'd enjoy a glass or two of champagne. I'm the kind of woman who's happy with a bottle of alcopop or a vodka, I'm easily pleased and even more easily drunk.

  Because of our bags we settle at a table outside a coffee shop. Elle is even more fascinated by the hustle and bustle and people watching than she was on the train. I sip on my coffee, watching the hands of the clock slowly make their way towards my departure time. There's no point in rushing, I won't be allowed through the barrier to board my train until almost the last moment.

  Elle talks me through her plans for London. There are various attractions she wants to visit, and eateries she wants to sample, but in just a few days she'll be heading to York. I'm looking forward to showing her my City. I guess you get pretty jaded about the place you live, but my home town is beautiful, it attracts visitors from around the world. There's a price to that beauty though, it's an expensive place to live, although granted not as expensive as London.

  Elle flicks her long blonde hair over her shoulder. You'd never guess she'd just spent hours on a flight, she looks so fresh and natural. In contrast, I look shattered and very crumpled.

  We make sure we've got the correct phone numbers for each other, swap addresses and then it's time for me to bid her farewell. Don't ask me why, but this is actually quite hard. This feels like the final end to my Australian adventure, even though I know I'm going to see her again in a few days, assuming her plans don't change.

  Elle hugs me tightly, whispering in my ear. "Stay strong sweetie, I'll see you soon and we'll figure out a way to get you and your hot man together again." She sounds so convincing, I almost believe her. I want to believe that she can help.

  By the time I reach my reserved seat on the train I'm huffing and puffing, having had to pull my bags almost the entire length of the train to find my carriage. At least my seat reservation has worked, I fall into the seat with relief. Any flight delays and I'd have been forced to take pot luck getting a seat on a later train. The thought of having to stand all the way back to York is not a pleasant one.

  The train journey takes a little over two hours. I doze lightly for most of it, managing to ignore the noise and bustle from the carriage around me. I start to spot the landmarks that signify I'm nearing home and an excited feeling stirs in my stomach. I gather my belongings together, moving to the luggage rack to reclaim my bags. For just a moment I can see straight down the aisle of the train, through to the next carriage. I see Gabe again, but just like before I blink and he's gone. This is getting really silly now. If it continues after I've had a proper sleep I'll have to make an appointment with the Doctor. I've obviously been under too much stress and it's shattered my nerves. I swear my heart skips a beat every time I think that I see him, if only.

  The train draws to a halt, this platform at the far side of the station always feels so cold and gloomy, but as I look out of the window my spirits are lifted by the sight of my mother, holding a wriggling Elizabeth in her arms. My face breaks into a huge smile. She's so beautiful.

  The door swoosh's open, and I step down. I'm so tired I could literally fall but nothing will stop me getting to my baby right now. Moving away from the door I drop my bags as Elizabeth comes hurtling towards me and I grab her up in my arms, squeezing tightly, afraid to let go of my precious girl.

  "Hello Mummy," she grins. "Did you get me a present?" I laugh and kiss her cheek. That's my girl, more concerned about her presents than having me back. It's so good to be home.

  Chapter Three


  I don't know how many times I've walked back and forth in this fucking office. It’s not big enough, I need more fucking room!

  I punch the wall in anger and everyone stops to look at me. When I fire a glare at them they quickly return back to whatever it is they're doing. Apart from Teresa, she's still frantically searching through a box of Eve's things that she's received over the years they’ve been apart. She has Eve’s address written down somewhere, years of emails and talking over Skype meant there wasn't much call for hand written letters. Cowboy and Ink are supposed to be getting tickets for me to reach my girl, but they aren't fucking doing it fast enough! I growl in frustration, yanking on my hair as I begin to pace again. Prez shoots me an annoyed look. "Do you need to take a step outside, VP?"

  I keep eye contact with my club president, and take a deep breath. Sitting down in the only vacant chair, I shake my head. I dig my phone out of my pocket for the hundredth time, dialing Eve’s number again. Fucking voice mail! When is she going to turn her phone back on? I know she'll have it in flight mode while she's in the air but I can't help trying regardless. I lean my head back against the chair, looking up at the ceiling, taking deep, soothing breaths. I need to calm the fuck down. I need a clear head on my shoulders in order to save my girl. It's looking like it's going to take at least a day and a half to reach her, seeing as it's already been over six hours since she boarded her plane, it's too fucking long! My twisted fuck of a brother could have reached her by now and done god knows what to her. No way could I live with myself if I let him do that.

  "We need that address baby." Prez crouches down in front of Teresa. His gaze softening as he looks at her. She looks a little frantic right now. When she looks up at him she has tears streaming down her face, throwing a frustrated look towards her old man.

  "I’m doing my fucking best!" She starts to cry again. Prez puts his hand on her shoulder, trying to soothe her. She shrugs him off, digging through her box again. "I need to find it so we can get her back. I will find it." She's frantic.

  Prez glances at me. I can tell he feels hopeless. In order to help his woman, he needs
to get her best friend back. Right now, we're getting nowhere.

  "I’ve got it!" Teresa holds a black notebook in the air. "It's right here. It's Eve's address, I have it!"

  I take the book from her shaking hands, seeing Eve’s name and address, neatly written on the front page. Thank fuck, that's one thing in our favor. Now we just need to book flights, then figure out how to get from the airport to Eve.

  Teresa's sobs fill the room once more, she’s holding onto a photo. Inside that box she has memories of their childhood, as well as photo's Eve sent her of herself and her daughter over the years. I take a step closer, hovering over her shoulder. I see she's looking down at a picture of Eve cuddling Elizabeth. Both of them are smiling widely at the camera. "What if he gets them, Bill?" She cries loudly. "Oh God, what if gets hold of baby Elizabeth? He can't hurt them! Surely he won't hurt a baby?" I look down at the floor. I can't look at her face because I know, as well as everyone else in this room, that Satan would hurt a baby. He has no heart, no conscience. He wouldn't think twice about hurting anyone, especially a baby. "She's family Bill, they both are. He can't get to them, he can't! Please help them, please!"