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Carnal Desire Page 3

  Her words drift off as her sobs become louder. She crumbles on the floor, a crying, screaming heap. Prez looks over to Cowboy and Ink sitting at the laptop. "Get those flights booked now. Get over there, and bring Eve and her baby back here straight away!"

  Prez leans down, lifting his old lady from the floor. She cries harder, clinging to him, pleading for her friend’s life, as he carries her out of the office. I shut the door behind them, rubbing my tired eyes. I guess he won't be back for a while, he needs to take care of his woman. I decide that he's not coming with us to England. I’ll take Ink and Cowboy with me. Prez needs to stay here with Teresa, no one else will be able to calm her down. She needs him right now. Ink and Cowboy will be enough back up for me. Our job is to get Eve and Elizabeth, and get them back here to safety. Then I’ll persuade Eve to stay for good, I’ll get to know Elizabeth. I want us to be a family. I’m going to get my woman back.

  Ink walks over to me, waiting for me to look at him before he talks. I think he's pissed at me over all of this. "We've found a flight leaving in four hours. That's the earliest one we can get. Is Prez coming or is it just us three?"

  "Us three, Prez needs to stay here." Ink nods, continuing to look at me. "What about once we land?"

  "Have to get the train to her home city of York, we'll figure it out from there." Cowboy cuts in.

  "Hopefully, she’ll have turned her phone on by then, and be safe." Ink adds.

  I straighten myself, stepping away from the wall. "You got something to say?"

  We stare at each other until Ink takes a step back, shaking his head. "No."

  I rip the page showing her address from the black book, tossing the rest of it on the floor. I spot a picture on the floor beside the discarded book and pick it up. It's the photo of Eve and Elizabeth, the one Teresa was crying over. I fold it, placing it safely in my pocket, then turning to open the office door. Before I leave, I face Cowboy and Ink. "Book those tickets for us and pack your shit." I look at Ink. "We will bring them back."

  I slam the door behind me, marching towards my room. I can still smell Eve's scent in there. I stop in the middle of the room, breathing her in, the memory of her calming me down. As much as the way Ink acted pissed me off, he's a good guy. He’ll help me get Eve back. It grated on my nerves how well they got on together, but she only sees him as a friend. Hopefully, between the both of us, we can persuade her to come back. I hope she’ll understand it’s the best way to ensure her and Elizabeth's safety. I just hope we get to her before Satan does.

  Chapter Four


  After I've packed some basic shit to last me a couple of days, I sit on the end of my bed, gazing around my room. I can't help but see Eve everywhere I look. It's driving me fucking nuts! I pull out the photo I folded into my pocket, just staring at it, losing track of time. I look into Eve's beautiful face. I begin to stroke the image, wishing she was here so I could kiss those plump lips of hers. To know that she’s safe in my arms is my biggest fucking wish right now. I pull back the anger that's sizzling just below the surface, threatening to take over me.

  I am Satan's brother after all, therefore we're similar in ways that nobody else ever could be. We're bound, connected from our mother's womb, but we're so unalike in other ways. There's something different between us in the wiring that runs deep in our brains, in our veins. Our temper and fire for revenge are just some of the things we have in common. Unlike Satan though, I fight for the right reasons and the right people. Eve is mine, she's my woman and I will fight to bring her back to Australia, to the safety Severed MC can give her, and to finally bring her back to me. In my bed, in my arms and under me. I want to rightfully claim her as my old lady, mark her as mine so nobody will ever harm her again.

  I look across at Elizabeth’s sweet smiling face, as she clutches to her mother's side. I can’t believe how much she resembles Eve. She's so beautiful. Thinking about the stories Eve told me about Elizabeth make me smile down at her picture. I’m really looking forward to meeting this little princess, and that's how I’ll treat her. Just like her mum, they will both be mine to take care of, I’ll treat them like the princesses they are. I want to bring Elizabeth back here, me and Eve will make a home for her, where she’ll grow up surrounded by people who’ll love her. Severed MC will be her family, she’ll have more love and devotion than she can possibly cope with. Hopefully Eve and I will give her plenty of brothers to keep a watchful eye over her, as well as her many uncles. I smile widely as I picture her not being able to go anywhere without someone watching over her. She’ll probably be pissed off as she gets older, but I want to make sure she's always safe from fuckers bothering her. She will grow up as beautiful as her mother, so I know that there’ll be plenty of horny little dicks sniffing around.

  I take a big deep breath to calm the tension that's filling me. Fuck I'm already feeling all protective and shit, and I haven't even met her yet! This little girl is going to be something though, my little girl. If Satan harms a hair on either of them, I will make him pay. By my own hands if I have to.

  A knock on my door shakes me from my thoughts. "VP?"

  It's Prez. I fold the picture carefully, placing it safely back in my pocket. When I answer the door Prez is leaning against the opposite wall, his arms folded. He looks tired, I guess Teresa’s really wearing him out. "I heard you made plans and you’re leaving without me."

  I motion for him to step into the room, shutting the door behind us, and leaning back on it. "Think it's for the best Prez. Your old lady needs you here to look after her. So do the rest of the brothers, they need one of us. Not be any good with both the Prez and VP gone. I have Ink and Cowboy, they’ll be all I need."

  Prez looks relieved, nodding his head in agreement. "I agree. Good call, Angel. My woman is having a break down, I can’t leave her alone right now. The women can't even get her to calm down. Being the only one she can depend on is wearing me out."

  "Tickets are booked, just need to sort out what the fuck we do when we land."

  "I've got in touch with our brothers down in Runaway MC. They have a chapter out in the UK that might be able to get over to Eve before you can. They’ll have to vote on it in church, then ask the UK chapter to run it by their president, but hopefully they can keep a watchful eye over Eve." He takes a step closer. "I've already spread word that Satan is in England and that's he's a dangerous man. People ought to know what they're dealing with."

  "Cheers Prez." I nod my head in agreement. It's not a brilliant plan, but it's the best we can do right now. We need all the fucking help we can get. It will be a few hours before we hear back though. Runaway MC will have to call church, take a vote then contact their UK chapter for them to do the same. I'm grateful for anything right now though. At least they should be able to get to Eve, just in case I'm not there in time for her.

  I grab my small bag, walking out of my room with Prez following. I spot Cowboy and Ink waiting down the hall for me, I give them a nod as we walk towards them. "Ready boys? "I ask. They both give me a quick nod. Ink steps forward, patting my shoulder. "We'll get her back, VP."

  "I fucking hope so brother. I really fucking hope so." I slap his back as I pass him, Prez right on my tail, Cowboy and Ink following behind. We all get into the black SUV so Prez can drive us to the airport. The only noise comes from Cowboy and Ink, they’re bitching about random shit in the back, I don't have anything to say. My mind is too busy running wild, wondering if Eve is OK.

  "VP?" I snap out of my thoughts. Shit, I need to stop doing that. I need my head straight if I'm going to be able to get my woman back.

  "Yeah?" I look over to Prez.

  He takes a deep breath. “You bring our girl back, along with her baby, VP”

  I agree, just as we pull into the airport car park. We grab our small bags and step out the car. We say our goodbyes to Prez and just as I'm about to turn around and follow Cowboy and Ink, Prez stops me. "You do whatever you have to do to keep them safe."

; I nod, his unspoken message received loud and clear. Satan won’t be coming home if I have anything to do with it.

  I walk into the airport, eager to board the plane that will take me to Eve and Elizabeth.


  I walk off the last step, my feet finally hitting concrete. I quickly zip up my leather jacket, fucking hell it's cold over here. I motion for Cowboy and Ink to follow me. I'm so fucking glad to be off that plane! Don't get me wrong, everyone did their best to ignore us, but fucking hell there are some annoying people out there!

  I turn my phone back on, it begins to sound a text alert straight away. It's from Prez.

  PREZ: Runaway UK charter agreed. On their way to the address my old lady found.

  Finally, some good news. That was sent two hours ago. At least my woman won't be alone. Hopefully they got there before Satan. Another text from Prez, sent straight after the first, shows directions that the Runaway UK charter provided. Well that's lucky, seeing as we're in a foreign country and I don't know where the fuck I'm going.

  We make our way out of the airport, heading for the tube as per the directions. I try and ring Eve again, but still no fucking answer.

  Just being in the same country as Eve is finally helping to control my nerves.

  I'm coming baby. Just hold on a little longer.

  Chapter Five


  I step out of the hotel door into the crisp London air. Glancing at my watch I realize Eve should have made it home by now. I smile at the mental image of her reuniting with her daughter. That woman adores her daughter you can tell. I pull my iPhone from the back pocket of my skinny jeans and see I haven't had a text message from her yet. I'm sure she'll send one when she's settled back at home, she's probably too busy fussing over her daughter and hopefully trying to get back to that hottie of hers. There's a nagging feeling in my gut though, telling me Eve needs me, but I brush it aside as I head off for the nearest tube station to begin my adventure. Probably nothing, just me worrying uselessly.

  London is everything I hoped it would be. It's multicultural, a fascinating mix of heritage and modern, and it's busy and bustling. I don't think I could live here. I prefer a quieter, smaller city, but I plan on making the most of the tourist attractions for the few days I'm here.

  With my bus ticket in hand I head towards the red double decker tour bus. I've been told it's the best way to take in London, then tomorrow I can jump on and off the bus to visit the sights as I wish. Over the next few hours I take in the potted history of London, the Houses of Parliament are a bit dreary looking but when we get to Buckingham Palace, wow! I definitely want a closer look at that and The Tower of London.

  My ticket also gives me access to a river tour down the Thames. The Captain acts like an un-official tour guide, he's hilarious. I jump off at Greenwich and wander round the beautiful old buildings, before grabbing a coffee and heading back for the return boat.

  Throughout the day I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it. I quickly discard the notion that it's jet lag, I travel too much for that to affect me like this. Checking my phone I see I still haven't heard from Eve, and the gnawing sense that something is wrong eats at me.

  I'm not a psychic, but I have learned to trust my sixth sense on occasion. Right now it's telling me Eve needs me. I know I've only just met her, but our connection feels deeper than that. I know we will be great friends. I decide that I'm heading to York tomorrow, it's earlier than I'd planned to, but I can adjust and fit London in at the end of my trip instead.

  Decision made I already feel better. I head back to my hotel, I'll eat in the restaurant there tonight and catch an early train out of Kings Cross in the morning.



  I'd forgotten just how good it felt to hold my baby girl in my arms so I squeeze her a little bit harder. God, I've missed her. There were times in Australia when I'd see something she would love so I'd turn to show it to her. then feel stupid because she wasn't there. It's typical of my girl to ask for her presents before she even gives me a kiss. Laughing I pass her the carrier bag in my hand. Most of her gifts are safely stored in my luggage, but this one is perfect to give her now.

  Elizabeth excitedly digs into the bag then pauses, a look of concentration on her face as she reaches in and takes out her gift. Her eyes light up as she pulls the cuddly Koala free of its wrapping, then squishes it close to her chest. "That's a present from our friend Gabe, baby." She looks up, uncertainty visible in her expression. "You remember Gabe don't you, from when you spoke to Mummy on Skype?"

  I can't believe she's forgotten him already. I almost laugh at her cute little expression while she thinks about it. Her face suddenly lights up in remembrance. "You mean my Angel? Silly mummy," she laughs while shaking her head at me, cuddling the Koala closer. "Angel is my special fwiend, he says I'm pwetty."

  My heart warms up, remembering that particular Skype call. I'd been cuddled up against Gabe's chest as he chatted away with my girl. She'd been so enchanted to have a new friend she'd practically forgotten I was on the call too. After that, whenever I spoke to her, she would ask where her Angel was.

  "Where's Angel gone, mummy?" Elizabeth queries."He's disappeared." She looks round the near empty station platform, a puzzled look on her face, as though she honestly expects to see him.

  I bend at the knees so I'm almost eye level with her, smoothing her hair behind her ears. "He's back in Australia, baby. He lives there like Auntie Teresa." I plant a soft kiss on her forehead, getting up to give my mother a hug. She's patiently waited in the background allowing me time to fuss my daughter. She surprises me by giving me a peck on the cheek and welcoming me home.

  "No mummy." Elizabeth smiles and shakes her head. "You silly. Angel's here, I sawed him. Over there." She points to the end of the platform, frowning when she doesn't see him there. Bless her, Elizabeth has a habit of seeing things she wants when they're not there. Perhaps that's what's wrong with me, I so desperately want Gabe to be here that I'm imagining him everywhere.

  "Hush now Lizzy, let's get your Mummy home. Poor thing looks shattered. I'm sure she'd like nothing more than to curl up on the sofa with you and cuddle. What do you say?" I flash my mother a grateful smile, together the three of us head out of the station to the taxi rank. As I hold Elizabeth's hand all the way I feel her lagging as she looks around, probably trying to see if she can still find Gabe.

  I'm home and it's time to settle down to my old life. I need to forget all about Australia. I grab my phone from my bag, meaning to send a couple of texts to let people know I've arrived home safely, groaning when I see the black screen. It's dead. One day I'll remember to buy a portable charger. No worries, I'll charge it up when I get home, if I can remember what bag I packed the charger in.



  I stand in the corner of the station, hidden in the shadows. I'm watching Eve's touching reunion with her family. That damned kid of hers nearly ruined everything.

  Looking back I can't remember ever seeing a look of love like that on my mother's face. Come to think of it, I can't recall ever seeing a look of love on any woman's face when they looked at me. Sure, I've fucked plenty, but that's lust, not love. I shake off the sentimental shit, watching as Eve leaves the station.

  My cock is hard as I think of what I'm going to do to Eve when I get her alone. I'll make sure Angel hears every scream one way or the other, and I'll make sure she's begging for him with her last breath. I shrug my bag back over my shoulder, following the happy family to the taxi rank. Soon... It's going to happen soon and I can't fucking wait.

  Chapter Six


  Fuck! I stare at my phone screen, the message taunting me. I don't know how he managed it so quickly, but my informant tells me Angel is on his way to York already. That means I'll have to change my plans because the timescales been reduced. Angel could arrive any fucking minute. Instead of playing with Eve like I had planned to
, I'll have to kill her quickly. Fuck! I hate it when my fun's cut short. I wanted to capture her, torture that pretty little body of hers and make her scream so loud her throat hurts as she shouts Angel's name when she breathes her last breath.

  The bitch hasn't even left the house yet, I'm guessing she's crashed out sleeping. I've been watching the house since she got back yesterday afternoon. I'm tired as fuck, but I can sleep when this is all finally over. The adrenalin of planning a kill as good as this will keep me going for the next few hours at least. The old cow is still in the house with her or I'd have already broken in. The way these houses are connected to each other I can't afford for anyone to raise the alarm. I need to get Eve when she comes out on her own.

  I hide in the shadows, my favourite place, and watch as the bedroom window curtains are pulled open. Eve looks out directly at my hiding place, it's as though she can sense I am here. I see her shake her head then she moves out of sight. I settle in, she'll come out at some point this morning I'm sure, and when she does, I'll be waiting for her.