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Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) Page 3
Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) Read online
Page 3
"Fin hurry please."
He points to his black t-shirt and I smile. It's the one Jessica and Sam bought him for Christmas, it has a red guitar on the front and says rockstar on the back. I pull it over his head and he stars playing air guitar making all the noises.
"I'm a, I'm a Rockstar! I'm a, I'm a rockstar!"
I feel a twang of sadness while I watch him sing and quickly stand. I keep having more of these guilty moments. I tell Finley to grab some socks and he brushes his teeth. I grab his thin zip up jacket just encase the temperature drops when he plays outside at school, seeing as this is London thats likely. While I clean up the mess Finley made I notice he disappears into the living room to watch his cartoons. Quick glance at the time 08:30 right we need to go.
"Finley which shoes are you wearing?"
He slowly strolls into the hallway, no rush needed and looks down to his section of the shoe cupboard. Mine are on the rack inside the cupboard but Finley's are too small so his are on the wooden panel at the bottom. He has quite a selection. He loves getting new shoes as much as I do. I do love my boy to have good clothes and shoes. I must admit his style is very much like his dads. He likes his t-shirt and jeans with a pair of Vans or Converse. I slip on my black work shoes while I wait. He eventually picks his burgundy Vans, I must admit he does pair an outfit up quite well for a three and a half year old. Finally finished I rush him out the door and fasten him onto his car seat. When I drop him off he gives me a kiss and a hug. I watch him run away and find his friends. On my way out I pass a few kids screaming, holding onto their parents with dear life. I'm glad Finley's never been like that, his always said 'bye mummy, love you' and off he runs.
As I'm walking away I feel a little tug on my leg and look down. Finley is hugging onto my leg and looking up to me with the smile that catches my heart because he looks so much like his dad it's scary.
"Love you mummy"
He really knows how to melt my heart, I kneel down so I can look straight into his beautiful gray eyes. Those eyes that are identical to his dads. I choke down tears as I stare into them.
"Love you to. My little handsome rockstar"
He giggles and I really struggle to keep the tears down. He loves being called rockstar. Maybe I did make a mistake, I didn't want to hurt Finley but I just might in the long run and I don't want him to hate me. I need to seriously think about what I thought was a good idea four years ago may not be now.
Chapter 3
Once I'm sat back in my car I log into my work email. Bianca set it up for all of us, every girl in the salon has there own work email so instead of us all having each other mobile numbers we have private emails. I totally understand where Bianca is coming from though, if I was the boss I wouldn't want all my employees having my phone number. This way she sends us our weekly hours and schedules and who has specially booked us by emailing us. I read the hotel name which Bianca has told me to go to and look at the girls details and booking information.
I park in the hotel car park and shake away the nerves that are creeping in. This is one of the best hotels in town if not the best. If there's any celebrities or filthy rich people in town this is where they go. My part of London is the nice quiet part where there is more greenery and parks rather than buildings and traffic. It's not so far from it all though, only a short drive away. I didn't want Finley growing up in the busy part and I didn't want him away from everything where he would be bored and I knew this area would be perfect. I grew up not far from here and always loved this area so when I was pregnant I moved into my own little house. Not long after my parents moved closer and Sam and Jessica decided to buy their own house and they actually live around the corner. We still have a busy town, it's popular down here but thank god it's not as busy as the main London area. Plus we get pretty views here. The main reason this little quiet heaven is here is because this is where the big houses are, so there tucked away nicely for privacy. There way back in the town though, about twenty minutes from my house. Where the normal people live.
I get out my car and look around at the impressive cars that surround me. I walk around my car which looks like a crappy car here compared to everything else. I own a silver VW Beatle convertible which is very shiny and not at all run down but here, with all these top very expensive cars it's a bit intimidating. I get my supplies out the boot and make my way to the hotels front doors which are huge and glass. I try not to drool at the very clean and shiny marble floor and make my way to the front desk. I can't help but feel very out of place here and hope that my client isn't some stuck up prune. I'm one of those typical hairdressers that loves a good chat while I'm going about my business. I can't have a good chat with someone who looks down there nose at me can I? Sitting behind the desk is a woman who looks like she could be in her late thirties, she looks like she's trying her very best to look younger even though she is failing. She scowls her face up at me and looks me over in my uniform like she's better than me.
"Hi, I'm here to see Miss Sophie James."
She raises her eyebrow at me like I'm stupid. I hate people like her, thinking she's better than me.
"I'll just ring her room, what's your name?"
Geesh! Has anyone ever taught this woman manners? I tell her my name and that I'm from Bianca's Beauty. Her voice has that irritating nasal sound to it. She picks up the phone and talks in a much polite tone than how she talked to me. I guess the only way you get respect around here is with your money.
"Hello Miss James, I have a Miss Kendal Moore here from Bianca's Beauty."
She listens to the woman on the other end and nods.
"OK I will send her right up."
She hangs up and her nasty tone returns when she talks to me to tell me the floor and room I need to go to. As I walk to the elevators and wait until I reach the top floor I mutter every bad word I can think of to describe that stuck up bitch downstairs. I'd love to walk up to her one day and book a room here, see how her attitude changes then. That's never going to happen though. The elevator dings and the doors open to a very large corridor. The marble is replaced by a dark wooden flooring with white clean walls. If I'm on the top floor that means Sophie James must be a rich woman to afford one of the best rooms the hotel has to offer.
I knock on the big black door and hear the clicking of heels. The door opens and a very pretty girl who looks about my age smiles back at me. She has long black hair, hazel eyes, she's petit, well she would be without those killer heels on. Gorgeous, tiny frame and big boobs. The kind of girl where you wish that she's a bitch so you have a reason to hate her.
"Hi are you Sophie James?"
She beams her big white smile and nods.
"Yes hi, I'm sorry I had you come here. I don't know my way around yet and my boyfriend hasn't had time to show me around yet."
"No that's fine. I'm Kendal."
I hold out my hand for her to shake but she looks at it. She surprises me by going in for a girly hug. Well OK then.
"Hi Kendal, I'm sorry I just haven't been around girls for a while. I've been surrounded by my boyfriend and his friends for so long I miss being around another girl."
I wince, a girl needs her gal pals. I notice she looks a little embarrassed now and I feel bad.
"Aw, I'm sorry."
She shakes her head and laughs then leads me into her ridiculously luxury room. The dark wooden floor carries on throughout the room along with big fancy furniture. Along one side of the room is pure glass showing pretty views of my home city. Sophie leads me to a big white table to one side of the open plan hotel room. The table is facing the glass window.
"Is here OK?"
I nod and place my little case on wheels down on the floor. We both sit down, theres a hot pot of tea in the middle of the table, she asks if I want a cup and I nod my yes. I'd love a cup of tea, with Finley making me run around all morning I've missed mine.
"So Bianca told me your having hair and nails today?"
"Yes, just a trim on my hair, I
think I want a fringe and I'd like a different look on my nails."
I get my nail examples out to give her a few ideas to look at while I'm busy cutting. We continue our chatting while I style her hair. We have quite a lot in common and she seems really nice. I can tell shes missed female chatter because conversation with Sophie never dies down. I was afraid I was going to get a snob because of where we are but Sophies nothing like that. We have a laugh about everything, I love this girl. I can't believe I've only known her for about an hour.
"I love the colour of your hair Kendal, I'd be too scared to dye my hair a colour like that."
My hair is a plum colour and I love it, it's been this colour for two years now. Before that I had it bright fire red but after I had Finley and I had a new job and started moving on with my life, well trying to. I decided I needed a change and got Tanya to dye it for me.
"Thanks, I love it this colour. It did used to be bright red, Iove my hair to stand out."
"Oh wow, you are brave with you hair. I bet being a hairdresser does that to you I guess. That colour definitely suits you though."
"To be honest being a hairdresser makes you more scared I think. I only trust my friend Tanya with my hair and she only trusts me with hers. I suppose when you know how some people cut hair you don't trust a lot of hairdressers. I think you should stay with black anyway, it makes your eyes pop out."
"You think? Thanks Kendal. I'd better stick to you from now on then."
She laughs away while I find my mirror for her to check her hair out.
"So your staying around here then?"
I turn around with the mirror in hand and see Sophie nodding and smiling at me.
"Moving here actually. My boyfriends from around here and he wanted to move back so were staying here in the hotel until we can find a house."
Looking by the hotel there staying in I bet there looking at the big houses that are tucked away rather than a house like mine. But I'm happy for her, maybe we could keep in touch?
"Oh great. Well I love living here so I'm sure you will too. I bet that's hard though moving away though."
She nods as I walk to her and open the mirror to show her. She gasps and fluffs her hair about.
"Oh I love it Kendal. Nobody's cut my hair like this before! I am definitely making you my hairdresser from now on. It was hard but I love Reece and his work makes him travel everywhere but he wants to settle down now and have a home."
"That sounds nice and thankyou, just doing my job."
I giggle and pack away all the hair tools away and get everything I need to do her nails. She shows me the style she wants and I get started. We talk all the way through again and were laughing again before we no it. It's like we have known each other for years not just met. It reminds me of how I clicked with Tanya when we first met. I put Sophies nails under the UV machine to help dry them faster.
"Erm, Kendal? I know we hardly know each other and we've only just met but I really like you. I don't get a lot of girly time and I've had fun today. Will you come to lunch with me sometime? Bring a friend? I know it's weird but I want to meet some new girlfriends here seeing as I'm moving here."
I stop from packing away my tools and look up to Sophie, she's staring at her nails drying. She looks a little nervous.
"No that seems great Sophie, I think you seem cool. How does Saturday sound? I can bring my three girlfriends. Tanya was actually asking yesterday about having a girly lunch together and I think you will fit in fine with them."
She looks up at me with a huge smile, the nervous look disappears.
"That's perfect. I can't wait."
I tell her all about Jessica, Maisy and Tanya while I pack away. I have nothing to do for the rest of the day until I get Finley so when she offers another drink I accept. We exchange numbers and talk about everything and what the towns like. When I leave to go and get Finley I walk away feeling like I have made another good friend in Sophie.
I sent a group text out to the girls explaining about Sophie and asking if everyone can make Saturday. Like the amazing girls they are they all can't wait to meet Sophie. We decided to meet at a cute little restaurant called Summers, it's like a restaurant/tea room, definitely somewhere we can't take Sam, James and Mark. I'm really excited to meet the girls, I think every girl should have her close girlfriends. I don't know what I would do without my girls and they my guys. They have help me a hell of a lot over these four years, they have really helped me out. While I'm going to be catching up with my girls Finley will be with the guys. The guys supports the local football team Arsenal, so they take Finley along with them and he loves it. Today is match day and Finley is jumping around excitedly waiting for Sam. Luckily for me I don't have to wait much longer because Sam has just pulled up in front of the house.
"Uncle Sam is here Finley."
I'm about to walk to the door and unlock it for Sam to come in but Finley barges past me and runs to the front door. Anyone would think my son was excited for today. Sam knocks on and the door is locked so Finley can't open it, I'm standing there smiling at him getting all excited when Finley turns towards me with a funny looking frustrated look on his face.
Oh right, he wants me to unlock the door. I grab the keys and walk towards a bouncing Finley. Christ it's only football! As soon as the door is opened Finley runs out to Sam who obviously knew how exited Finley would be and already had his arms open for him. He spins him around a few times and settles him down, I'm getting that guilty feeling creeping back in again watching them.
"You ready pal?"
"Alright well say bye to mummy and we will go."
Finley gives me a tight hug and a big sloppy kiss. He whispers how much he loves me in my ear and kisses my cheek. Have I mentioned I love my son so much! I watch him walk away and he looks so dam cute. He chose his outfit as usual. I cant help thinking that should be Jax holding his hand. I need to have a talk with the girls but I can't today because Sophie's here and I don't want to unload all my drama onto a newcomer plus if she turns out to be some Decoy fan and finds out I have Jax's unknown child she could do anything with that information.
I watch Finley get into Sams car and laugh to myself thinking of him this morning looking at his clothes in his wardrobe. Honestly how can a three year old be so stubborn about what he wears? Maybe it's because he lives with a single mum? Surely not. He was stressing himself out because he didn't know weither to wear the football shirt or not but in the end he chose to wear the football shirt. He paired it with his beige coloured chino's and his red zip up hooded jacket with his Nigh high top trainers to match. I'm so glad he has a secret gift to putting an outfit together because if he was this stubborn and couldn't put good clothes together I don't know what I would do. I wave bye to my baby and check on my appearance before I leave. I'm in my navy blue figure hugging dress that stops just above the knees, I'm wearing my cream heels and teaming that with a cream bag to match. My hair is in a side fishtail braid, my make up all fresh, I've gone with my usual cat eyeliner flick on my eyes. All set to go.
As soon as I walk into Summer's I spot Sophie sitting in a private looking booth in the back corner. Perfect, we can have a good gossip and a giggle without people listening in. When she notices me walking up to her she stands and meets me with a warm hug. She's looks gorgeous today, but I've got a feeling she probably looks gorgeous everyday. She has a red floaty dress on with black heels and a thick black belt around her waist. I spot that she has a black bag beside her seat, good girl. She's rocking her new fringe.
"So happy to see you Kendal, I've been so excited for today. Finally some girls to talk to, it's about time."
That makes me sad, poor Sophie. I don't think I could cope just being around Sam, James and Mark all the time with no girls. I'd go crazy, I squeeze her a little harder. I hope she's going to like the girls, they can get a bit loud and carried away once we get into things. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm
included in that statement. There's nothing that's off subject, anything goes. Last time Tanya explained to us in great detail about a guy who she hooks up with from time to time when she needs to. This particular time though she told us how he had her bent over the table and let it slip that he loved her! Tanya made sure she finishes, if you know what I mean and than told him to leave! The way she told the story was just hilarious and we didn't realize that a couple of guys were listening in gawping which made it even more funny.