Carnal Desire Read online

Page 4



  What a fucking hellish way to travel. I miss my bike, the open air and wide spaces. The tube from the airport to the train station was awful, it's a fucking tin can underground that flashes along at speed, but it's full of noise and chatter and weird people. Ink and Cowboy were laughing at my obvious discomfort, the fuckers. It didn't help that this big, fat, ugly mama sat right next to me, practically on top of me due to her size, and wouldn't shut the fuck up the entire time. She seemed oblivious to the fact I was ignoring her, prattling on about everything and nothing as I tried to tune her out. Cowboy started making childish gestures at the two of us as him and Ink laughed, that fucker will get his when we get off this bloody contraption.

  Thankfully the tube finally arrives at our station, good job Cowboy was watching the signs, I haven't got a clue what the fuck we're doing or where the fuck we're going. I also haven't got a phone signal this far underground and I'm going crazy not being able to get in touch with Eve.

  The walk from the tube platform to the station feels like it goes on forever. How many bloody escalators do we have to go up for fucks sake! When we arrive above ground we're on the station concourse, I take in a deep breath of fresh air. That's better. It's still cold on the station, this whole bloody country is cold to me. I just want to grab Eve, go get Elizabeth and get the fuck back home.

  I turn as I hear Ink let out a loud wolf whistle. I see his attention is on a stunning blonde who's looking at the departure board. He was too loud as half the travelers in the station turn to look at him in annoyance. Except for the blonde, she turns to look and stares. She looks between Ink and me, to Cowboy and then back to me and finally to Ink. Her face turns white, her hand coming up to her mouth. She looks shocked to see us and the next thing I know she's running towards us, what the fuck?

  "It can't be. Oh my god, is it really you?" The blonde looks from me to Ink, recognition written all over her face, but I've no idea who the fuck she is.

  "Excuse me?" I ask, my words are almost unheard as Ink moves in.

  "Well hello beautiful, do we know each other? I think I would have remembered you." He's oozing that fucking charm of his. Wide smile, flexing his muscles. I want to slap him, we're not here to pick up pussy for him. We're here for Eve. We don't have time for this crap.

  I'm just about to put him straight when the blonde speaks. "No, you don't know me but I'm pretty sure you're Angel, Ink and Cowboy right?" She cocks an eyebrow at us in question.

  "Who the fuck are you and how do you know who we are?" I growl. The only people who know we're here are our club and Runaway MC and I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have sent a fucking chick to meet us at the station. There were no plans to meet us at all.

  "I'm Elle," Blondie holds her hand out in greeting. I'm still too shocked to acknowledge it, but Ink pulls it to his mouth and kisses it. The girl unsuccessfully tries to hide her smile and she looks back to me. "I met Eve on the plane and she told me all about you guys." She looks at me and blushes. Fuck, what's Eve been telling her? Then it registers, this chick knows Eve, she's seen her.

  "You what?" Ink stumbles over the words. "This is fucking unbelievable."

  "Eve and I sat next to each other on the plane. She didn't look so good, kept crying. She told me what happened, don't worry I'm not going to say anything. She showed me her photos from her trip and I recognize you from them." She pauses as she looks over at Ink, there's something in her eyes. Shit, I think she fucking fancies him! "Anyway, we just sort of clicked and we arranged to meet up in a few days when I finished visiting London. I just got this awful feeling that something was wrong so I'm heading there today instead." She looks over at me expectantly.

  "Have you spoken to her since she got back?" I still can't get past her voicemail when I call. Elle shakes her head.

  "I keep trying. She was going to text me when she got back yesterday lunchtime, but nothings come through and all I get is her voicemail when I try her."

  I groan. Eve has a habit of forgetting to charge her phone, at least I hope that's all that's wrong. "Well pretty lady, we're heading to see Eve ourselves, why don't you join us?" Ink offers Elle his arm, and blow me she fucking takes it.

  "I'd love to." She smiles widely at him. She goes a little quiet and looks across to me. "Can I ask, is Eve in danger? I just have this feeling something's wrong." Elle looks worried, she bites on her lower lip and I see that it's having an effect on Ink. His dark eyes zero in on her mouth.

  I shake my head. "It's a long story, but yes, she's in danger. So the sooner we get on this fucking train the better." I storm off to the platform indicated on the departures board, not worrying about whether the rest of them are following.



  Holy hotness. Ink looked good in his photos but they sure didn't do the real him justice. He's a walking sex advertisement. That said, the other two guys aren't too shabby looking either. Okay they're fit as hell too, but looking at them doesn't make my heart flip the same way it does when I look at Ink. He's a player, that much is obvious. The way his eyes sweep over me and his well practiced words, but I can't resist the obvious lust in his deep brown eyes when he checks me over.

  I'm still shocked over bumping into the guys at Kings Cross, but I guess I've always believed in Fate. The guys managed to get us all seats together with a table on the train, and over the past hour they've been filling me in on the scary new developments. At least they're being honest with me about just how much risk Eve is in from Satan.

  I startle as my phone alerts me to an incoming text message. I'm so eager to hear from her that I almost drop my phone in excitement. When I see it's from Eve I feel so relieved. I must have gasped out loud as the guys are watching me with sudden interest. "It's a text from Eve!" I quickly swipe my finger across the phone to read her full message. She's home, she's safe and she's sorry her phone died on her yesterday. She hopes I'm having fun in London and not misbehaving too much. See, I knew this girl got me. I unconsciously smile, but the next line causes my smile to drop. Angel almost tears the phone from my hand when he sees the expression on my face. Eve writes that she thinks she's losing her mind, she's convinced she sees Angel around every corner, and now her daughter has started saying the same. Realizing the importance of those last two lines I pass the phone to Angel. I'm temporarily struck dumb, and he needs to know what's happening. He curses loudly as he reads through the message then passes the phone to Cowboy and Ink. They frown down at the phone, cursing without care.

  "How do I reply?" I finally find my words. "Do I tell her about Satan. That you guys are here, or what?"

  Angel pauses. Deep in thought for a moment, he's mulling over the options. "Don't tell her about Satan or me being here." He looks to the other guys as if seeking confirmation and they both nod their agreement. "Tell her you've changed your plans and are on your way to York to see her, see if she'll agree to meet you at the Station."

  I nod my agreement then think of Elizabeth. "What about Elizabeth, shall I ask Eve to bring her?" Angel's brow creases further when I mention the little girl.

  "No, don't mention Elizabeth for now. I'm sure Eve said she had playgroup or something most mornings anyway. She needs her daughter safe, just in case Satan is following her. I don't want any harm to come to our girl." The strain is starting to show on Angel's face. His blue eyes have lost a little of their sparkle in the time since we received the text message. I didn't miss how he called Elizabeth our girl, that warms me a little. Angel turns to Cowboy. "Get onto Prez and find out what's happening with that Runaway charter. They should have had eyes on her by now." Cowboy starts typing away on his phone, while Ink and Angel confer quietly on the best way for me to reply to Eve. It's settled, we go with the planned message we already suggested. I send Eve a friendly text letting her know I changed my plans, asking if there's any chance she can meet me when the train gets in shortly.

  Time stands still waiting for her reply

ve: I'll be there when your train gets in, can't wait to see you again!

  A little of the tension leaves the atmosphere around the table when we receive her text, in a little over an hour we'll be arriving in York, and I for one feel better knowing Angel and the guys are here to help protect Eve.



  I’m feeling giddy knowing my new friend will be here soon. I'm really looking forward to seeing her again. I wonder why she decided to change her plans? I'm sure there'll be a man involved from what little I know of Elle already.

  I hear my mother shout that she's taking Elizabeth to nursery so I run down to give her a hug and a kiss before she leaves. I wanted to take her but my mother’s got into a routine now, and she's going straight to the Doctors after dropping her off, which is next door to the nursery. Even though I’m still tired from all the traveling, the selfish part of me wanted to keep Elizabeth home with me today. I've missed her so much, but she's excited about seeing her friends and doesn't seem to have missed me as much as I missed her. That's kids for you I guess.

  After plastering my girl with kisses, and hugging her to the point I almost crush her I let her go. I'm already dressed so grab my bag, deciding I'm going to walk part of the way with them anyway. I'll just catch the bus from the stop near the nursery. I walk down the street holding my girls hand, as she chatters away in her baby talk. She's telling me all about her little friends and what she's going to do today. As we near the bus stop I see the bus coming round the corner, I quickly kiss Elizabeth goodbye, shout bye to my mother and run for the bus. I make it just in time, gasping out my destination and handing over my change. Shit, I need to start going to the gym or something, I'm so unfit!

  A hooded figure is running towards the bus but is out of luck. The doors close behind me and the bus pulls away leaving the poor traveler stranded and waiting for the next bus. Who knows, with this village it could be ten minutes or forty. I slide into a vacant seat and scroll through the books in my Kindle app. I'll arrive in plenty of time before Elle's train so I'll catch up on some reading in the meantime.



  For fucks sake! Is the fucking driver blind? I was standing outside the door when he shut it in my fucking face. He's lucky I didn't see his face so I can’t pay him a little visit. Eve caught me by surprise when she suddenly changed direction and sprinted for the bus. At least I know where she's headed, I heard her mention the station just before the door shut in my face.

  I'm just about to hit something when fuck me, another bus pulls up. The driver looks at me in disgust when I don't have the correct change for the fare. I just gave him one of these stupid paper notes. He huffs a little as he hands my change over in small coins. Fucker.

  As the journey progresses I can glimpse Eve's bus in front of us. Fuck, the traffic is slow here. We're forever stopping at lights, and even when they change to allow traffic to move we're stuck at a standstill. Eve's bus is making slightly better progress than ours, but not much.

  I look at my phone, there are no updates from my contact. Eve hasn't got any luggage with her, so I've no idea why she's heading for the station. I hope it's not to meet that fucking twin of mine. He's already making me speed my plans along, if he's here then shit, I've got to think fast. I hate being out of my comfort zone, I've got no access to resources here, I don't even have a bike, I'm stuck on this fucking crawling bus with people I don't want to be fucking near. I'm pretty sure I could have covered the distance faster if I'd walked!

  Eve's bus pulls up at a stop round the corner from the station and I'm surprised to see her jump off. I head to the front of the bus, the driver catching my eye, "This is your stop for the station mate, this is as close as we get on this route. Just walk round the corner there and you'll see it."

  I get off the bus where the driver suggests, looking around for Eve. I eventually catch sight of the back of her just passing through the huge stone archway, heading in the direction of the station. I pick up my pace, being careful not to get too close to her. There aren't enough people to lose myself in around here at the moment. I'm enjoying freaking her out every now and then, giving her odd glimpses of me, but only when I know I can duck out of sight quickly. Stupid bitch probably thinks she's seeing Angel, think again Eve, I'm even better and I will show you just how much better I am soon.

  Eve walks straight through the station entrance, pausing in front of the departures board. Fuck, I hope she's not going somewhere. She obviously doesn't see what she wants so she moves over to the information desk. I manage to sneak close enough to hear her. "Excuse me, can you tell me what platform the London train is due in on?"

  "Which London train love? We've got them arriving every twenty minutes or so."

  "I don't know, I forgot to ask her. I just know she's arriving at 11:27." Eve looks at her phone, frustrated. "I'll see if I can find out."

  The assistant looks at her with understanding. "You could always just wait at the bottom of the staircase, they'll either come in on platform one which is next to you, or platform ten and you'll see them coming over the bridge."

  I watch as Eve thanks her, then walks over to the coffee stand at the side of platform one. I look at my watch, we've got about 45 minutes before the train is due in. I ease back into the shadows, hoping to use the time to put a plan together.



  I've no signal on the station so I can't text Elle to get a better idea of which train she's on. I decide to grab a coffee, and sit outside the cafe so I can do a bit of reading while I wait. From here I can see both platform one and the stairs leading to the bridge for the far platforms.

  I'm engrossed in my book when I half hear an announcement. I check the time on my phone and realize Elle should be here any minute. I down the last of my coffee, tuck my phone in my pocket and move out of the cafe area. A trickle of people starts coming over the bridge so a train must have arrived at the far platform. I look up at the same time as I hear Elle calling my name and see her just stepping onto the bridge, looking stunning as ever. My jaw drops though when I see who she's with! Three men I have come to love over the past month are stood right behind her. How and why are they here?

  I clasp my hand over my mouth as I gasp in shock. I'm delighted to see them and suddenly I need to be over there. I need to be with them! I can't wait for them to get over the bridge.

  There's a whooshing sound as a train starts pulling off the platform near me. I see Elle's face change, she looks terrified. I hear her scream as I feel myself start to fall, I feel as if I am floating. My feet are off the ground as someone shoves into me roughly. I think I hear myself scream as I start to fall off the platform, grasping at air. The noise of the approaching train is the last thing I hear.


  It feels like it takes forever to get off this shitty train. The aisles were full of people queuing to get off at least ten minutes before we even approached the station. They're not exactly in any rush as they slowly gather their belongings from the overhead racks, blocking the narrow aisles with their fat asses which pisses me off. For fucks sake, I need to get moving, Eve's out there waiting. Elle puts her hand on my arm, trying to calm me down. The stress is obviously evident on my face. She's just beaming, she's so excited to be seeing Eve again. Even though we've told her about Satan she's not really grasped how dangerous he is. A quick look at my brothers tells me they're anxious.

  Finally we start heading up the staircase, it leads to a bridge running over the tracks. Elle suddenly shouts out Eve's name, waving to the far side of the station. I turn and see her, my beautiful woman. I can see when Eve notices me as her hand goes to her mouth then she turns to come meet us. She looks excited and I need her in my arms right now.

  At the same time I spot a hooded figure run up behind her. Elle screams out a warning but Eve's oblivious. I watch in horror as the figure apparently stumbles into Eve as she's heading for the stairs, it's just enough momentum to knock her from the platf
orm. I look on in horror as I realize it's the same line a train is pulling out on. I hear Ink and Cowboy shout and we start to run. The hooded figure pauses for a second, looking right up at me and smirking. Fuck, that's when I realize it's my brother, Satan. Before I can reach him, he's vanished from sight behind the oncoming train as it struggles to brake to avoid Eve who lays broken on the track in front of it.

  Chapter Seven


  There's a hellish screech as the train driver hits the brakes and don't ask me how, but he manages to pull the train to a stop, literally a hairs breath away from where Eve is laying broken on the track. It only took seconds for the whole scene to play out, but I'd swear that moment lasted an eternity. My heart is almost breaking out of my chest as I race over the distance on the bridge, desperate to get down there to my woman.

  I'm oblivious to the activity around me, until I'm brought up short just as I'm about to jump down to the track. I turn, a deathly threat visible on my face, to find a policeman grasping my arm.