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Carnal Desire Page 6

  Elle immediately replaces Gabe on the bed, the door quietly closing behind him. Elle looks me right in the eye. "How are you feeling?" She curses, smacking her palm on her forehead. "How stupid am I? That's the worst question I can ask!"

  I reach over, grabbing onto her hand. It's small like mine, fitting perfectly in my grasp. "I'm ok, sad, a little confused, but I'm doing ok. All things considered." I smile and she manages to give me one back, her green eyes sparkling from the tears she's trying to hide from me. She cuddles up to my side as I ask her to tell me all about her shortened trip to London, and how the fuck she ended up with Gabe and the guys. She knows I need a distraction so starts talking, filling me in on everything I’ve missed, and I'm grateful.

  Gabe returns to find us like this, cuddled on the hospital bed, sharing stories. Currently she's grilling me about Ink. It seems they’ve really hit it off since they met. I love them both, but Ink isn't a settling down kind of guy so I'm a little worried for her. Saying that; Gabe isn’t either.

  Ink and Cowboy follow Gabe into the room and we stop talking, smiling a greeting at them. Gabe comes straight to my other side, grabbing hold of my hand, as though he’s hated every second away from me. He leans forward, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I'm so glad he's here. I notice Ink's eyes move from me to linger on my friend Elle. I look at Elle and see she's blushing. I hide my smirk as best as I can as Cowboy and Gabe talk. I overhear them saying that Teresa’s doing a lot better now. I'm glad to hear it, Gabe had filled me in on how distraught she was, and how worried Prez was for me. Now she knows I’m safe and have Gabe by my side it seems to have calmed her. Not just her though. I feel a sense of calm now he's back with me. I don't know what's going to happen, although I have a sneaky suspicion I know what he's thinking.

  After the conversation has stopped, I notice Ink and Cowboy look a little uncomfortable in here. I don't blame them. I decide to give them a helping hand. "Hey guys, you don't have to stay. If you don’t mind I'd like some alone time with Angel anyway."

  They nod eagerly, Ink flashing me one of his cute winks. Cowboy carefully approaches the bed, lifting my head gently, he kisses my forehead. "Get some rest, sweetheart."

  "I will." I whisper back.

  Ink approaches next. I feel Gabe's hand tense as it’s wrapped around mine. Ink kisses my forehead softly, just like Cowboy. As he pulls back his dark eyes are shining with mischief, something I've missed seeing in my friend. "You still look gorgeous, babe."

  I hear a growl from Gabe and Ink gives me another wink which makes me laugh. This earns him a glare from Gabe. I can see Elle trying to hide a laugh behind her hand. When Ink leaves my side, Elle replaces him. "I'd better get going anyway. You want me to check in on Elizabeth for you?"

  I let out a sigh. "Yes please, if that's ok?"

  She rolls her eyes. "I offered, Eve."

  She gives me a cuddle, when she straightens up Ink instantly appears at her side. "I can take you. That's where we're going anyway."

  She nods shyly. I turn to Gabe. "They are?"

  His face turns serious. "Yeah, I want them looking out for Elizabeth."

  I look down at my hands. I hate all of this shit. I don't want anything to happen to my baby, I want her here with me, but I don't want her seeing me like this. I hear Elle say goodbye as she leaves with Ink and Cowboy. Gabe gets out of the chair he was sitting in to snuggle on the bed beside me. One of his legs dangles over the side, there's hardly any room. I doubt he's comfortable, but I sense he needs me as much as I need him right now. He holds me as my tears begin to fall. My head is a mess of emotions. I'm scared, grieving for what I have lost. I’m worried for Elizabeth’s safety, yet I'm ecstatic to have Gabe back with me. Gabe softly strokes my hair. I close my eyes, enjoying how good it feels. "Talk to me."

  I open my eyes, looking straight into his intense blue ones. "I don't know what to do, Gabe."

  I feel my lip tremble and when he notices it, he holds me just a little bit tighter. "I'm here for you now baby, nothing is gonna happen while I'm here. Not to you or to Elizabeth."

  I gather myself together, halting my tears. "I didn't know." I whisper.

  "I know you didn't, but you can talk to me."

  I look up at his face, his beautiful, handsome face. He really is gorgeous. His dark blonde hair, bright sparkling blue eyes and hint of stubble make him look manly and rugged. "Would you have wanted the baby?"

  His look hardens and I'm scared to hear his answer. I know I would have wanted to keep it. "Anything that was part of you, I would treasure for a lifetime." His words make my heart beat like crazy. He may be a tough ass biker, but his words are beautiful. "I would have wanted that baby more than anything, Eve. The four of us would have been a family. I’m sorry this has happened, but I promise you I’ll make sure Satan pays for this." He looks me right in the eye. "There's plenty of time to make babies, Eve, and we will, but right now I want you to get better so we can go get our girl and go back home."

  "What?" His last sentence leaves me confused and speechless. One, he wants more babies. Two, he called Elizabeth our girl which sent butterflies through me, and three he said we're going home but I know he's not talking about a home here in the UK.

  "You and Elizabeth are coming back with me." He says it so simply, it’s a statement, not a request.

  "Gabe, I can't. We have a life here. I can't just move us to Australia."

  He places his hand on my cheek, his gaze softening. "Eve, I want you both to be safe. You’ll be protected at Severed. Satan is still looking for you, look what he's done to you. What if hurting you isn't enough?"

  His words make me tense, a sickening feeling taking hold of me. I thought I was free from all of this. I came home because I thought I was safe. If I’d I known I wouldn't have come back and put my daughter in danger. Now there's a chance that I have. Inks words echo through me. "That's why Ink and Cowboy have gone to my house?"

  Gabe nods. "She needs protecting too." Oh God. My heart skips a beat. "He's been watching you, Eve. He knows where you live, and he'll have seen Elizabeth."

  My heart starts beating frantically. No, not my baby! I hold on to Gabe more tightly. "I'll come back with you, anything to keep Elizabeth safe."

  Gabe stares back at me, long and hard. Finally, a relieved look crosses his face. I feel some of the tension release from his body. "I don't want you to come back just for your safety. I want you, Eve. I want everything, you, Elizabeth, a family. I want you back in my life. I want you as my old lady."

  I don't have any words. My eyes are wide. I don’t realize I’m crying happy tears until Gabe swipes them away with his thumbs. He tucks my head under his chin as my tears start to slow. I think I'm just so relieved and happy. It's scary thinking about moving so far away, but I need to do this. I need to do it for the sake of mine and Elizabeth’s safety. And because, if I’m honest with myself, I love Gabe. I've only been away from him for about two days and I craved him so badly. I want to be in his life, I need him. "I love you." I whisper.

  He makes a grunting sound. "I love you too. Does that mean your answer's yes?"

  I manage a small giggle. "Well I hadn’t realised you were asking me, I thought you were telling me, but yes." I pause. “Well, at least until my visa runs out anyway. We’ll have to get a visa for Elizabeth too.” My face falls as I realize at best we’ll only have a few short months together.

  "Thank fuck." Gabe lets out a sigh of relief. “We’ll sort out the visas expiring once we’re home.” I get a warm feeling hearing Gabe say the word home, it’s more than just four letters when he says it, it’s a promise of a future together.

  Gabe tells me they’re going to release me shortly. As soon as I’m released we're going straight home to pack everything. He wants to meet his girl, and we’ll all be leaving together. I can't believe this is happening! I snuggle closer to him, and we just lay there, content to hold each other quietly until I fall asleep again.

  Later when I wake up, Gabe wants to ta
lk about our friends. "So, I think Ink likes your friend."

  "Elle?" He nods. "Yeah well, I think she more than likes Ink. Did you see her blush?" I laugh.

  "They seem to have hit it off." Gabe adds.

  "He’d better not hurt her." I point my finger at Gabe.

  Gabe smirks. "Babe, the man’s a free agent. I ain't getting into his shit. Leave them alone."

  I huff and cross my arms in answer. I know he's right. Elle's a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions. I just don't want to see her get hurt or for her not to want to see me again.


  Eve falls asleep not long after we've talked about her and Elizabeth leaving with me. I can't help but look at her; she looks so peaceful while she sleeps. The troubled expression on her face disappears as she dreams. I need to get her back home with me as soon as possible. I don't like sitting around like this, especially with Elizabeth at home without us.

  I had to tell Eve how I felt. I was worried she thought the only reason I wanted her to come back was for her safety. I was right. She was thinking that. When I told her I wanted her, her tears turned to happy ones. She had to know how badly I want her back. I never thought I’d need another person in my life like this, but I do. Eve is my woman. I won’t let any harm come to her or Elizabeth.

  I slip my arm from under her carefully, sitting up against the end of the bed. I've been terrified that I’d hurt her bruised, fragile body. Seeing her fall was one of the worst things I've ever witnessed. I never want to feel that scared again. I need to get them both out of this country and back to the safety of Severed and my brothers.

  I get my phone out, texting Cowboy for an update. I know not to text Ink, that horny fucker will be trying to get in Elle's knickers. If I know him as well as I think I do, he’ll have gone off somewhere with her, itching to get his dick wet.

  Cowboy texts back that all is well; relieved I lay back down beside Eve, drawing her back into the safety of my arms.

  Chapter Nine


  After spending some precious time with Elizabeth, I know I’m going to miss her. She’s such an adorable little girl. She’s quite intelligent for her age, and the resemblance to her mother is spooky, with her brown wavy hair, bright blue eyes and fair skin. Aside from the usual two year old pronunciation it felt like I was in the room with Eve at times. I think Eve’s done a remarkable job of bringing her up. Eve’s mother isn’t what I was expecting; she seems too young to be a grandmother yet. It’s obvious she’s besotted by her granddaughter, and the feeling appears to be mutual.

  Cowboy took Elizabeth outside to play so Ink and I could talk to Eve’s mum. Ink explained that he and Cowboy were going to stay at the house with them, to ensure both their safety whilst Satan is still on the loose.

  “What happens when you catch the evil little shit?” she asks, I have to hide my smile as it sounds so wrong, hearing her swearing, but the determined look on her face tells me this was a mama lion and no one is getting close to her cubs.

  “We’ll take care of it, permanently,” Ink assures her. “The less you know the better, but I promise you, when we take care of it, you’ll never need to worry again.” The words left unsaid speak volumes, we all know it means a death sentence for Satan, but how can any of us feel any guilt or remorse after the evil he’s perpetrated in just the past few weeks. Lives taken, lives destroyed and hearts broken. It's the only way forward.

  “He’ll be wanting to take my girls back with him to Australia then?” she looks more resigned than disappointed. “I’m guessing they’ll be safer out there with you lot.”

  Ink moves across the room, wrapping his strong arms around her and hugging her. This small gesture of affection from the big guy just makes me want him even more. It shows there's a soft side under the steel muscles and tattoos. “She’s part of our family now, I know we haven’t known her long, but everyone loves her, and we always take care of our own.”

  Elizabeth comes speeding into the room, giggling like crazy, a flustered looking Cowboy in her wake. This is definitely a guy who’s not used to being around children. She’s been running rings round him from the look of it, his cheeks are bright red from the fresh breeze outside, but he’s sporting a huge grin.

  “I beated you Uncle Cowboy” she laughs, running straight for him and launching herself into his arms. He catches her effortlessly, swinging her around so her tiny denim clad legs sweep the room. No need to worry about how Elizabeth will take the move then.

  “I’d better call a taxi, I could do to get back to my hotel and have a rest before I pass out”, I’ve barely slept the past twenty four hours, worried about my friend.

  “I’ll ring it; I’m going to come back with you. I don’t want you out there on your own.” Ink states, looking to Cowboy for his agreement.

  “No worries bro” Cowboy smiles, “I’ll take care of our girl here.” Elizabeth giggles in his arms, glad that she gets to keep her new playmate a little longer. Ink gestures to Cowboy, who gently places Elizabeth back on the ground and promises to be back in a minute. They both head outside, they’ve obviously got stuff they need to talk about.

  I crouch down in front of Elizabeth; she is such a cute little girl. "Right my darling, I'm going to get going now."

  She hugs a koala teddy bear she’s just picked up, smiling up at me. "Ok, Elle. Is my mummy coming home now?"

  My heart breaks a little for this girl. Her mummy won’t be coming home tonight. No little girl should see her mum like that in the hospital. Eve looks pretty bad right now. "I think she's having a sleep over, sweetie." I see her face drop a little. "How about you and Cowboy do lots of fun things together, then when you see your mummy tomorrow you can tell her about it." Her face breaks out in a huge smile and she nods her head quickly, running off in search of Eve's mother and shouting something about baking cookies for Uncle Cowboy.

  I shout goodbye again and leave the house smiling, that girl is so sweet. As I step out I see Cowboy and Ink standing by the road. People passing by look at them with wariness, some girls at the end of the street huddle and stare. I can feel lust oozing from them. I make my way over to them while shaking my head, pathetic. Seeing me, Ink steps away from the roadside; giving me a smile that brings me out in shivers. Damn this man is dangerous; he's the embodiment of my every weakness, and everything I should avoid. He's a player, there's no denying that, then again what's the harm in having a little fun?

  "You ready for your ride to the hotel?" Ink asks as I move to stand by him, he’s gesturing to a taxi just turning the corner into the street. I look to Cowboy who is leaning casually against the garden wall. I wonder why he's called Cowboy. He doesn't seem to have a southern accent and he certainly doesn't wear a cowboy hat.

  "Have you let Angel know that Elizabeth is fine? Eve will want to know."

  He smiles at me as he gestures at his phone. "Already have."

  The sound of a car door opening startles me. I turn to see Ink holding the door of the taxi for me. He inclines his head for me to get in and I see a hint of a scripted tattoo near his neck. I just want to rip his clothes off and find out for myself how many tattoos he has on that fine body of his. He gets in the back of the car, sitting next to me and pulling me close into his side, wrapping his arm around me. I can’t help myself, my arms slide underneath his leather jacket. I can feel the defined lines of his muscles under his thin cotton t-shirt. As the taxi pulls away Cowboy raises his hand in a wave, but we've already rounded the bend in the road, too late for me to give him one back in return.

  Ink squeezes my shoulder, and with my head resting on the logo of his biker cut, I relax and enjoy the journey to my hotel.

  When we pull up in front of the hotel Ink helps me out of the car. He grins as his eyes rake up and down my body and I warm in response.

  "So, you gonna invite me up?"

  "Erm, I....Sure." I stumble out.

  We walk through the hotel lobby together, ignoring the curious looks. I hate tha
t people judge a person just on their appearance. As we walk silently to the elevator I look at him from the corner of my eye, catching him doing the same to me. This makes me laugh. Ink flashes me a cheeky smile. Fuck me, he has a gorgeous smile! It reaches up to his eyes, creating two deep, adorable dimples! Shit, I'm a sucker for a smile and dimples. Team those up with the tattoos, handsome face, dark features and not forgetting his leather and a Harley, it makes for a fucking hot, sexy biker. Who from the look of it can see this for himself. He knows the effect he has on women, and thereby me, and that’s a problem. I want him, badly. I need to know what he looks like under his clothing. As we stand side by side in the elevator, Ink's hand wanders up to play with a strand of my hair. It causes shivers to run through me, I love my hair being played with; amongst other things. As he continues to twirl my hair around his thick finger, I begin to imagine how far those tattoos go, where they travel to. Shit, he's coming to my room, where there's a bed, that I so badly want him to throw me on.